Sunday, May 23, 2010


As both a citizen of Comal County (born and raised) and as the Libertarian Candidate for Texas State Representative, District 73, I am emphatically against the proposed Outer Loop which is slated to cross the beautiful, pristine waters of River Road at the 2nd crossing. This massive six-lane expressway would decimate one of the Lone Star State's most beautiful recreational areas as well as undoubtedly contaminating the Edwards Aquifer.

I totally support the Guadalupe River Road Alliance (GRRA), an organization consisting of concerned residents, property and business owners, and Hill Country enthusiasts who believe our Texas Heritage and Natural Resources are in danger of being destroyed because of this developer driven plan. For more information regarding the GRRA, please go to their website at:

I also endorse the Citizens' Alliance for Smart Expansion (CASE), whose mission is "to preserve what is unique to our area, protect our quality of life and encourage responsible growth."

As a grassroots organization, CASE is "dedicated to educate the public and address New Braunfels area planning and growth issues by working with Government leaders for the betterment of the Community."

The website for CASE is:

Without doubt, viable alternatives to this proposed route need to be explored by citizens and experts alike who understand and appreciate the inherent beauty of this area, including its long-established economic value.

Both of these dedicated organizations deserve your support. Get involved -- contact GRRA and CASE today and help bring some sanity to this extremely important issue.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Step aside Giorgio Armani. You too, Louis Vitton. The same applies to Tommy Hilfiger.

Yes, folks, there is a new fashion designer in town (albeit New Braunfels, not Milan).

Yours truly has established another Libertarian Party first -- no Libertarian candidate has ever designed a T-Shirt for sale nationwide. Until now. And while this isn't exactly haute couture, this T-Shirt is a fun, fashionable fund raiser for my campaign.

Be among the first to step out in high style. Support a political party that stands for Lower Taxes. Smaller Government. More Freedom. And help support my drive to become the first Libertarian candidate elected to the Texas State Legislature!

To order, click on this link to

Saturday, May 1, 2010

On April 25th I signed the "NO CLIMATE TAX PLEDGE" presented by Americans for Prosperity. This wonderful political group is the nation's premiere grassroots organization fighting for economic liberty and limited government. As you probably know, the United States Congress is debating the largest tax increase in history: "The Cap-And-Trade Energy Tax." Funny name -- "Cap-And-Trade" -- but what it entails isn't funny. Simply put, this is nothing more than a tax on coal, oil, and natural gas, but instead of being a specific tax rate, the total level of use of these energy sources is capped and companies are forced to pay the government for emissions permits. These companies will then bid against each other to stay in business, and nobody knows how much the tax will be until they hold the auctions and the ensuing permit trades are made. It's a crazy, unpredictable tax -- but it is certainly a tax that will be become a massive burden for all citizens of the United States as well as Texas.

While I readily admit that a Texas State Representative will not have much, if any, direct influence on this issue, I felt it was important to declare my position and to do so publicly. Here's the simple, one-sentence pledge:

"I, Robert A. Nowotny, pledge to the taxpayers of the State of Texas and to the American people that I will oppose any legislation relating to climate change that includes a net increase in government revenue."

For information regarding Americans for Prosperity, I invite you to take a look at their website: